Sunday, April 11, 2010

4-5-10 Transfers, John Atem

Family and Friends,

Transfers came and left again, and so did I. I am getting pretty good at packing my luggage. I have been transfered back to Iowa, in the same area! I am excited to serve back in the same branch. I have felt myself mature a lot as a missionary since I was here before, and hope it will help my investigators I am serving with Elder Mitchell. He is a good missionary. He has been out a little over a year and a half. I can tell this is a start to an amazing transfer. He is not a Spanish missionary, but does speak a little bit of Spanish- probably about as much as I spoke when I left Logan. I will have to be the senior speaker when we teach Spanish investigators. I was talking to Elder Mitchell about the gift of tongues, and I felt the spirit testify powerfully to me that God with work through me and that I will be able to speak well enough, if I try my best. Like Mosiah 4:27, God will not require more than my best, and if I am diligent, I will "win the prize" for me and my investigators.

We had a really cool experience with John Atem, an Sudanese investigator. He is an amazing and prepared investigator. He called the chapel about two or three weeks ago and said he wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ. He had been taught about the restoration and been to church before I got here. We talked about his concern of not wanting to be baptized a second time on Friday. Saturday night he came to the Priesthood session, and loved it. Sunday we talked to him again and taught the Plan of Salvation. As we touched temple work, I felt impressed that we should talk about it and help him see beyond baptism. He really enjoys meeting with us and talks and shares a lot. At the end, I asked him is he was still concerned about being baptized again, and he said that was no longer to be a problem. He has a baptismal date of the 24th of April. Such a good guy.

General Conference was also amazing. It focused a lot on families. The Lord is really counseling and directing us in these perilous times. It was cool to hear from Wilford Anderson, my former stake president, and Elder Perry and Halstrom, who visited our mission. I learned so much and was spiritually filled. I know Jesus is the Head of this church, and that we are lead by his apostles. It is an amazing feeling. I hope all of you also loved it and learned a lot. If not, we can read the Ensign when it comes out!

I love you all and hope you are doing well.

-Elder Burnham

I also am sending some pictures. The first is Elder Shumway and me. The second is Elder Orellana (the new Spanish missionary) and the truck and me. The third and fourth are Elder Mitchell. He accidentally ripped his pants at transfers.