Sunday, September 12, 2010

6-28-10 Crete


Transfers were on Thursday. I found out Wednesday that I would be going to Crete with Elder St.Clair. Crete is a Spanish area, a town of about 6,000 located 25 miles SW of Lincoln, where we go to church. Elder St.Clair is on his second transfer. He is from Queen Creek area, which makes him my first companion from AZ. Yay! He Wes trained by Elder Petersen, who is the one who told me I could and should tell President that I wanted to switch to Spanish. Elder Petersen also trained Elder Hepworth (my second companion) in Columbus. Crete was actually exactly the place I wanted to come, so I am excited to be here.

The weather here has been rather lame the last two days. It has been in the high 90s with 40-50% humidity. It makes for lots of sweating, especially if we are walking instead of driving. It makes for good memories though. Saturday when we were our walking we saw a garage sale (they are plentiful here in Crete). I saw a computer for cheap so I bought it. It is sitting in our apartment right now. It works and is pretty fun. It actually only cost 50 cents. I will send a picture of it.
The group here is about 20 people. We are a part of the Capitol Ward in Lincoln. The group is full of a lot of good people. We had three les-actives come, including one who hasn't been for about a year. It was a neat experience to see him enjoying church and his old memories coming back to him. There are two English members that live here and go to the Seward branch (Seward is N of Lincoln, about 5000 people). They feed us occasionally. This week on Friday, we got fed by Sister Herrick. We had corn dogs. There were plenty, so I ate 6. I think it was the first time in my life that I have had my complete fill of corn dogs. They were delicious, but not too healthy. We had ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

One of our investigators is Luiz. He is 15. They left him the restoration and he loved it- he watched it three times. We talked to him Friday about the Gospel- faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. He seemed pretty daunted by the prospect of baptism. We hope we didn't scare him. We asked him to read 2 Ne 31 and pray to know if baptism is what the Lord wants him to do. He has already prayed about the restoration, without being asked. He saw it in the pamphlet that he was given and did it. I am excited for him, but he will be out of town for about a week.

That's all for this week. Love you all.
-Elder Burnham